Lecong Tuanyi International Office Furniture City

About Lecong

Operated by Guangdong Tuanyi Group, Lecong Tuanyi International Office Furniture Center is located in Lecong, Capital of Home Furniture Trade and Innovation of China. It is beside Guangzhou-Zhanjiang Highway and Foshan 1st Ring Road, which is convenient in transportation and superior in location. With mature and consolidate development for twenty years, Tuanyi International Office Furniture Center provides a beautiful environment and comfortable purchasing experience for consumers. It has become a brand purchasing base and brand name card for domestic and foreign merchants to buy office furniture.

Contact Us



Address:2nd Floor, Block E, Row 3, Tuanyi International Furniture City, S121 Guangzhan Highway, Lecon Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province

Lecong Tuanyi International Office Furniture City